Having the Nerve.

Life is challenging, surprising, and exciting…. you could almost say it’s a frenzy (see what I did there?). I’m on a mission to enjoy my life and embrace the bumps in the road. I’m figuring out my world a little bit at a time, and always try to focus on the big picture. I’m not perfect (who is?) but I know that I’m ready to tackle everything in life as best I can! 

This is the beginning of something that I’ve contemplated for a long, long, (long) time. I’m a dedicated blog reader, and have often thought that I would like to give it a try. I’m not a natural writer, and I’m not exactly sure what form my blog will take… I’m just going to start the journey and see where it takes me. I’m late to the party, but excited to be here!

So here’s me in a nutshell:

  • I’m in my late 20s. Don’t let that fool you: I am simultaneously a 6 year old girl, a 20-something, and an old woman
  • I’m a perpetual student, but should be on the job during the 1st part of 2017 (yikes!)
  • I have an awesome family, and am part of a ginormous (and close) extended family
  • I have lots of life experience in many areas…  but sometimes lack common sense
  • I’m a nerd. Seriously. 
  • I’m a very passionate person. It’s both a blessing a curse, but it certainly spurs me on!

One more thing about me: I LOVE quotes. So here’s one that I’m living by today: “Anything’s possible if you’ve got enough nerve.” (Yes, it’s from Harry Potter… I warned you that I’m a nerd!)

Love, Jenn

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